Steve Stickel's Resume and Bio

My list of projects over the years

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My Skills and What I Can Offer


Early Years

Ever since I was a child, I have been passionate about technology. I have vivid memories of my father bringing home a Commodore 64 when I was around 4 years old. While he tinkered with basic programming, I enjoyed playing games on it. As I grew older, my father started building 8086 machines, and we often attended computer trade shows on the weekends to upgrade and enhance our home computers. I have always been fascinated with computers, including building them, gaming, and exploring computer graphics. This fascination led me to pursue my hopeful dream of 3D animation and visual effects. My first opportunity to work with 3D was with POV-Ray on DOS, where I unwittingly began writing C++. Nonetheless, I experimented with building 3D models and even animating within the program. Though there was little support for computer science in my school, I took a BASIC class in middle school and C++ in high school. While I struggled with many of the concepts, I continued to pursue my passion. Along the way, I also took art classes, as I was still keen on pursuing my 3D animation dream. Watching cartoons and the introduction of CG in the movie industry inspired much of my dream. The TV series, Movie Magic solidified my passion even further for the movie industry and 3D animation. All of this ultimately led me to attend a trade school in NC for 3D animation, and upon graduation, I returned home to MI in search of opportunities.

My Software Development Journey

SV3 Media (start-up)

My first office job served as a valuable stepping stone into my 3D and software development career. I was initially hired to create Flash animations and perform basic web-related tasks. However, within six months of starting, the company won a major project with GM to develop an environmentally-friendly website for children. I was responsible for building, animating, and implementing 3D characters into the Flash site. I had the privilege of working alongside some incredibly talented people, including B.K. Taylor, an outstanding artist who was also one of the creators of the pilot episode of Tool Time with Tim Allen (which is where they got the name Tim “Taylor” from). While B.K. worked on the character art, I modeled and animated the characters under his direction, added voiceovers, and then converted the animations to vector for Flash. Despite the significant challenges involved in using Flash at the time, the experience proved to be invaluable since it allowed me to develop my coding skills using Actionscript.


After experiencing limited growth opportunities at the company, I made the decision to resign and venture into freelancing in web design. I also teamed up with a friend to launch a web business. This period proved to be a valuable learning experience for me during the early stages of my career. Although I was able to secure a few regular clients and make some profit, it was challenging to establish my business as a sustainable venture. After roughly a year and a half, a friend from The SEMAFX Network reached out to me about a CG position at Armstrong-White. I was thrilled about the opportunity and accepted the position.


Receiving the phone call offering me a position at an actual studio/small agency was a dream come true, especially because they were looking for 3D artists to contribute to the digital garage that everyone in the industry was pursuing. It was a groundbreaking movement in the automotive industry to take engineering CAD data and repurpose it for marketing purposes. During my time at AW, I had the opportunity to collaborate with exceptional individuals, leverage advanced technologies and platforms, and work long hours, often ranging from 60 to 80 hours a week. Although I started out as an artist cleaning, manipulating, and rendering 3D automotive models, I gradually shifted to a more technical role, where I began writing scripts for the 3D artists. Moreover, I became increasingly fascinated with the render farm and explored ways to make it more efficient. However, things took a turn for the worse for the industry, and many employees, including myself, were eventually laid off. I considered returning to self-employment and did work on a contract job while searching for my next opportunity, but my period of unemployment was brief.

BNP Media

A close friend and mentor approached me with an exciting job prospect as a web developer for BNP Media, a leading publishing company. Although it was a transition from my previous 3d work, the opportunity allowed me to expand my coding and development skills within a corporate environment. At BNP Media, I primarily used Flash Actionscript and Javascript to create a dynamic digital magazine platform for over 40 of the company’s publications. Additionally, I gained invaluable experience collaborating with editors and publishers, as my department was the central hub for support and development of each publication, which each operated as a separate business entity.

With A Twist Stuido (start-up)

While I was feeling like I had hit a plateau at BNP Media, a colleague from Armstrong-White approached me about a new VFX business they had just launched. They were in need of a technical developer due to their growth and I didn’t hesitate to take the position. During my time at With A Twist Studio, I faced a tremendous amount of good and at times fun challenges. Not only was I responsible for the entire studio from a technical standpoint, but I was also tasked with supporting the production team’s pipeline by writing automated Python scripts and managing the render farm. This was where I first started using Python, incorporating it into every aspect of my job and daily tasks. I loved working there, and the people and culture were amazing.

Latcha & Associates

Realizing that it was time to move on from With A Twist Studio, I reached out to some old acquaintances in search of a new opportunity. Latcha & Associates had recently won a large Audi contract and were in need of more developers, so I decided to explore the opportunity. I have now been with Latcha for over 10 years and have held various roles, starting as a web app developer and eventually becoming a lead developer and manager. Throughout my time at Latcha, I have worked on numerous interesting and challenging projects, including diving into email development to support the email teams by learning Salesforce Marketing Cloud. I ended up building various automations and internal tools using their SDK in both Node and Python, even extending their Node SDK to include promises.

Later, I managed my own email account for VW Credit alongside two other developers. When that contract was up, I was presented with the opportunity to form a research and development department at Latcha. As the lead developer, I have been working on numerous proof-of-concepts, including creating an object detection mobile app using Python, Tensorflow, and Xcode, as well as a TTS using voice AI technology. Another exciting project was building an entire marketing platform in the Cloud, which required a deep dive into learning AWS while also figuring out how to architect and build the platform. Additionally, I had to develop training materials for our Delhi office in India.

I have taken one of our proof-of-concepts into production with a Ford pilot project for the 2023 Expedition, using my standard tech stack of Django, MySQL, Docker, Copilot, and AWS (ECS, RDS, ELB, S3, and CloudFront) to build an API with a content ingestion and management system. The API feeds content to a native mobile app based on the user scanning their VIN. I accessed a few other APIs from Ford to pull data using that VIN and then formulated a content package to respond back to the mobile app, providing the customer’s actual vehicle specifics (trim, color, options, etc.). The app is no longer avaible in the Apple Store due to Ford not continuing the project, however, I do have a link to the landing page that tells more about the project.

This year, I’ve been quite busy pushing my coding abilities further along with expanding my management skills. Some of the more recent projects I’ve been working on include:

Beyond the Code

When I’m not immersed in the world of software development, you’ll find me engaging in a variety of activities that keep my creative and physical energies flowing. My interests range from practicing martial arts to jamming out on my guitar, reflecting a blend of my passion for the arts musically and physically.

Martial Arts Enthusiast: My journey in martial arts is more than just a hobby; it’s a discipline that teaches me patience, focus, and respect. The practice has not only kept me physically fit but has also instilled a sense of calmness and resilience that I carry into my professional life.

Music: Whether it’s a classic riff or experimenting with my own tunes, playing the guitar is my escape into a world of harmony and melodies. It’s a passion that allows me to express creativity in a form different from coding, yet equally fulfilling.

Home Improvement and Tinkering: I have a knack for home improvement projects and tinkering with the latest technologies. From smart home gadgets to DIY fixes, I love the satisfaction that comes from enhancing my living space and staying at the forefront of tech trends.

Gaming and Family Time: Playing video games with my kids is one of my favorite ways to unwind and bond. It’s not just about the games; it’s about sharing laughs, learning from each other, and creating memories.

Fitness and Culinary Adventures: Staying active is important to me, whether it’s a rigorous exercise session or enjoying the great outdoors in the sun. Cooking is another passion of mine, experimenting with new recipes and flavors, and bringing joy through food to family and friends.

Sun Seeker: There’s something about the warmth of the sun and nice weather that rejuvenates my spirit. I cherish moments spent outside, whether it’s a simple walk, a pool day, or just basking in the tranquility of a sunny day.

In essence, my life outside of work is a mosaic of activities that keep me balanced, inspired, and constantly learning. These hobbies not only enrich my personal life but also enhance my creativity and problem-solving skills in my professional endeavors.
